Tasks - Design / Digital Compositions / Typeface Design
Self-Initiated Project and Collaboration with Peter Kaplan
Book and Typeface design by Tasheka Arceneaux Sutton (Typeface Angles)
Things About Things is a collaboration between graphic designer Peter Kaplan and me. As documented in this book, the project comprised 56 digital compositions created over six years. Each page contains an email exchange between Peter and me each time we sent a composition, which became a way that we kept in touch over the years.
“This book shares the work of two designers creating a visual experiment through collaboration. This collaborative visual conversation becomes more than a formal exploration between friends. It could be one solution to helping other designers establish a free creative flow.” -Elizabeth Buchta & Daniela Marx
Book Specs
10 x 8 inches
68 pages
10 x 8 inches
68 pages